Published Work

  • Turnback Ridge: Torrey House Press, 2022
  • Dead of Winter: Salt Publishing, UK (May 2016)
  • The Dark Lantern: published in the U.S. and Canada in paperback with Three Rivers Press (2009); in hardback with Crown (2008); in Australia and New Zealand with Scribe (2008); and in Italy as Il Casa dei Segreti with Newton Compton (hardback 2009/paperback 2011)
  • Cold Country: Duckworth, UK (2002). Also distributed in the US and Canada
Short Stories and flash fiction
  • “Petrified” (flash) Calyx: A Journal of Art and Literature by Women 34.2 winter/spring 2024
  • “Adrift” (flash) Atticus Review 15 April 2024
  • “Necessary Measures” (flash) in  Best Small Fictions Anthology 2023. Previously published in Litro Online: #FlashFriday (UK) 2nd Sept 2022.
  • “Flight”: Moss Magazine Vol 8, Oct 2023
  • “The Old Ways” Fictive Dream, 20 Oct 2023
  • “If you can see the sea, the sea can see you” Scribes*MICRO*Fiction Issue 33 15 Sept 2023
  • “Harvest” 365 Tomorrows (flash) 21 April 2023
  • “Windfall” Raritan: A Quarterly Review fall 2022
  • “Cuckoo” Pembroke Magazine #54 summer 2022 (also named one of top 50 stories in 2021 BBC National Short Story Contest)
  • “Ocean City, 1949” Bayou #75 Jan 2022
  • “Spoiled” The Waking: Ruminate Online 9th Feb 2021
  • “Broken” 101 Words, 15 Oct 2020
  • “Rasslabsia” JMWW 7th October 2020
  • “Huldremose” Copper Nickel, #31 & 32, fall 2020
  • “Release” New Limestone Review, 12th May, 2020
  • “Mr. Sweet-Pie” Gargoyle #71, Fall 2019: Pushcart nomination
  • “Timbuktu” Aurealis #120 (Chimaera Publications, Australia) May, 2019
  • “Dazzle” Litro Online: #FlashFriday (UK) September 2018
  • “A Grievous Burden” Crimewave 13: Bad Light, May 2018
  • “Gone” Nothing Short Of: Selected Tales from 100 Word Story. Ed. Grant Faulkner et al.. Outpost 19 Books, spring 2018.
  • “Williamsville” The Best American Mystery Stories 2017 Ed. John Sandford. (Previously published in Alaska Quarterly Review vol. 33 nos. 1 & 2 spring/summer 2016.)
  • “On Pilson Rock” Southwest Review Vol. 102 No. 1, April 2017
  • “Dirt” CALYX: A Journal of Art and Literature by Women Vol. 29.1 March 2016
  • “The Joke” Copper Nickel #22, March 2016
  • “I’m Coming to That” Juked February 2016
  • “My Promotion” Cleaver Magazine Issue No. 11 September 2015. Finalist for Queen’s Ferry Press The Best Small Fictions 2016. Guest editor: Stuart Dybek.
  • Dead of Winter excerpt in Alaska Sampler 2015, Running Fox Press, March 2015
  • “Beast” Gargoyle #62, February 2015
  • “Revenant” Mondays are Murder @ Akashic Press website, November 2014
  • “The Billet” Memorious: A Journal of New Verse and Fiction, Issue 22, summer 2014
  • “Lagniappe” Los Angeles Review Issue #14, November 2013
  • “Sunk” Redivider 11.1, fall/winter 2013 (nominated by Redivider for Pushcart 2013)
  • “His Good Fortune” Fiction Southeast, fall 2013
  • “North” Conte Vol 9 issue 1, 2013
  • “A Man for Hire” Quarter After Eight: A Journal of Innovative Writing issue #19 (issue devoted to work by mentors and their mentees), summer 2013
  • “Gone.” 100 Word Story, May 2013
  • “The Wild” BBC Radio 4 Opening Lines series (national broadcast of story 20 July 2012, plus audio podcast, audio publication, and on-line publication of story).
  • “Sourpuss.” The Brooklyn Review. Summer 2012.
  • “Waltzing.” The Long Story No. 30, December 2011.
  • “Instructions for Disposal of Dangerous Materials.” Used Furniture Review 7 December, 2011.
  • “At Rest.” Dirty Napkin #4.4 September 2011. (Publication plus audio recording.)
  • “Beset.” Bound Off: Literary Audio Podcast. September 2011. Nominated by Bound Off editors for the Million Writers Award.
  • “Nothing To Be Ashamed Of.” Word Riot. June 2011.
  • “The House at Hexworthy.” Bartleby Snopes June 2011.
  • “A Long and Distinguished Career.” Camera Obscura Journal of Literature and Photography Vol. 3 Summer/Fall 2011.
  • “A Disgrace.” Per Contra: The International Journal of the Arts, Literature and Ideas (spring 2011).
  • “A Small Loss.” New Orphic Review, Fall 2006.
  • “Heartbreak at the New Greek Café.” Hawaii Review 1994, issue 43.
  • “The Bruising.” Double-Entendre. Summer 1994.
  • “The Fish Corpse.” Unthank. Norwich, UK: Centre for Creative and Performing Arts, 1989.
  • “Dirty Laundry” The Tusculum Review Vol. 23, 2023
  • “A Vaster World” New World Writing, 4 April 2023
  • Invited contributor for February 2023 for Wrangell Mountains Center writers’ blog. Four blog entries on writing and literature: “You, the Writer” “Marking Time” “The Power of Three” “I Don’t Remember That Chinese Restaurant”
  • “New York No” Mslexia (UK) issue 88, Dec 2020
  • “Swamped” The Real Story (UK), 30th Oct 2020
  • “The Case of the Vampire Student” in The Chronicle of Higher Education Advice section 8 May 2013,
  • “Skirmish.” Redivider: A Journal of New Literature and Art 9.2 spring 2012.
  • “Translation”: (i) BLIP Magazine Summer 2011. (ii) BLIP magazine Summer 2011 (Kindle edition): BLIP Publishing, 18 August 2011 Invited contributor for May 2011 for Alaskan writers’ blog 49writers (
  • Four blog entries on writing and literature: “On Running” “The End of the Story” “Messing With Books” “Becoming Unstuck”
  • “On the Chena River, January 2008.” Camas: The Nature of the West vol. 18 #3, Winter 2010.
  • “Lured to the Land of the Free.” Guardian (UK) 8 Feb. 1994.
  • “Coming Out of Winter.” Gulf Islands Guardian (July 1994).
  • “Living in Eden.” Santa Clara Review 81.2 (1994): 168-170.
  • “So much earth.” Rosebud magazine #52, spring 2012.
Song Lyrics/Performances of Work Winter Journeys: Songs for Orchestra and Chorus. Lyrics: Gerri Brightwell, music James Michael Bicigo, Dept. of Music, University of Alaska, Fairbanks:
  • Premier of “Songs of a Pioneer” sung by Danica Clark Hoffart, Chantal Boos and Sharon Braun as part of Sometimes in Winter at the Lacombe Performing Arts Centre, 21 Nov 2019, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada.
  • Premier of Movement Seven, 30th September, 2007, by the Rostern Community College Choir and Saskatoon Youth Orchestra in Saskatchewan, Canada. Entry in the ASCAP Rudolph Nissan Competition, Nov. 2007.
  • Premier performance of “Lost Dog” movement by Summer Music Academy Concert Choir, 12 June, 2008.
  • Premier performance of “The Old Whale Road: and “Angel of Snow” movements by Summer Music Academy Concert Choir, 20 June, 2008
  • Premier performance of “Holiday Memories” movement by Summer Music Academy, Academy Choir, 20 June, 2008.
Book reviews
  • Review of Roy Ness’s Rutting Season (novel) in The Northern Review #46, December 2017.
  • Review of Ian Burney’s Poison, Detection and the Victorian Imagination. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2007. Journal of British Studies, vol. 47, n. 2, April 2008.
Literary Criticism
  • “Hunted Down,” “A Manchester Marriage,” “A Scandal in Bohemia.” Companion to the British Short Story and Short Fiction. Ed. Andrew Maunder. Facts on File, 2006.
  • “The Case of the Household Spy: Public Service and Domestic Service in Hayward’s ‘The Mysterious Countess.’” CLUES: A Journal of Detection. Spring 2005.
  • “Charting the Nebula: Gender, Language and Power in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening.” Women & Language 18.2 (1995): 37-41.
  • “Flags and Filters: The Influence of Colour in Doris Lessing’s The Golden Notebook.” The Doris Lessing Newsletter 16.1 (1994): 3+.
Composition, Second-language Acquisition, and Pedagogy