
Alaska Quarterly Review reading

In 2016, I was lucky enough to have one of my short stories accepted by one of the premier literary journals in the US: Alaska Quarterly Review. The story went on to be included in The Best American Mystery Stories 2017 (which was an honour, and also something of a surprise as “Williamsville” is a…
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USS Fairbanks

For the last couple of days, the temperature up here in Interior Alaska has been close to forty below (which is one of few points of confluence for the centigrade and fahrenheit systems). On the radio this morning, the announcer read out the signs of frostbite and frostnip, and how to warm frozen flesh (not…
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Heavy snow on branch

It’s warmer than it should be in Fairbanks

Snow is sifting down, burdening spruces whose branches sag, covering up the tracks that Chase and I have made on our walks. A world new made. And yet, it’s warmer out than it should be—I overdressed to go out—and two thousand miles south and west of us in British Columbia, heavy rain has been was…
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Gerri with dog

Darkness in Fairbanks

Up here in Fairbanks, darkness is eating away at the edges of our days up, and now a deeper colder is settling in. Walking my German shepherd before work involves suiting up in a parka, snowpants, and a headlight so I can see where we’re going because out here in the wilderburbs, there are no…
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